Pop Quiz

   Today in class, we took a pop quiz on the Hans Rosling video we watched last class. I did not do very good and I got a 7/10 :( This is because I should have listened to Mr. Schick when he said to convert the x and y axis terms on the graph (lifespan and income) into terms we learned in our unit. I did that for lifespan, by writing "life expectancy", but I did not write "GDP" for income. I also wrote down that "The Great Depression" was one of the tragic events that was mentioned in the video, but it was not. I forgot the last question I got wrong. However, this was a good learning experience, and it reminded me to pay attention to important information that is stated either in the video or by Mr. Schick. It also reminded me to listen to the directions that Mr. Schick provides us. In conclusion, this is not the start to the second quarter I was hoping for, but that is okay. Better luck next time.


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