Even More Greece Powerpoint

   Today in class, Mr. Schick told us that our test is going to be two parts. We will take the first part on Thursday. This will cover the first half of the powerpoint and the first part of the textbook pages we read/took notes on. Here were some of my notes from today:
  • Iliad (one of Homer's epics) about Trojan War
  • Odyssey- Odysseus gives into temptation from Poseidon- stays on island- eventually realizes he needs to get home
  • Dorians- "all about us"- trades with no one- Dominated 1150-750 BCE 
  • part monarchy, part aristocracy, part democracy
  • symposion comes from sympinein, meaning "to drink together" (symposiums)
  • with Hippias gone, Isagoras and Cleisthenes (both aristocrats) engaged in a power struggle
  • Isagoras had support from some fellow aristocrats, plus from Sparta
  • Cleisthenes had support of the majority of Athenians
  • Isagoras becomes archon eponymous (tyrant)
  • He ostracizes Cleisthenes 
  • Cleisthenes’ supporters - and the ordinary Athenian citizens! - revolt against Isagoras’ tyranny
  • they trap Isagoras on the acropolis for two days - on the third day he fled and was banished
  • 508 BCE
  • Hippias was a tyrant who ruled from 527 to 510 BCE
  • his brother was murdered, and his rule became harsh
  • eventually he was expelled from Athens (this is called being ostracized)
  • in revenge, he began working with the Persian king Darius I, helping them invade Marathon


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