Chi Cago's Guide to Ancient Rome Slides 1-8

  • Etruscans settled in Rome: metalworkers, artists, architects
  • Etruscans from north-central part of the peninsula
  • Foundation myths: Virgil’s Aeneid and story of Remus and Romulus
  • Greeks settled in Rome: had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea
  • Romans borrowed Greek religious beliefs, alphabet, much of their art, military techniques and weaponry
  • Latins were the first settlers of Rome; settled on the banks of Tiber
  • Latins= descendants of Indo-Europeans
  • Latin trading ships could navigate to Rome but no further - commercial port, built on 7 hills including Palatine
  • Streams flowed into the Tiber
  • Marshy area called the Forum,  between Palatine and Capitoline Hills
  • Cloaca Maxima was largest ancient drain which channeled water into the Tiber: built by Tarquin the Proud’s grandfather
  • Washington DC was built on a swamp (urban legend) but only about 2% was actually swampland
  • Constitution Avenue located on what used to be called Tiber Creek (like Tiber River)
  • Lucius Tarquinias Superbus:  seventh and final king of Rome

    • also called Tarquin the Proud or even Tarquin the Arrogant- he was a TYRANT


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