Slides 43-52 Notes (Chi Cago's Rome Powerpoint)

  • SECOND TRIUMVIRATE is created!!! --> bc Octavian (Caesar's adopted son) takes over after Caesar's death
    • Mark Anthony is the general
    • Lepidus is the politician 
  • Lepidus is forced to retire so things go BAD
  • They all become rivals and Mark Anthony teams up with Cleopatra of Egypt 
  • Octavian defeats Mark and Cleopatra at Battle of Actium
  • Octavian is nicknamed "Augustus" and "Imperator" (supreme military commander)
  • Rome is now an empire, not a republic
    • Octavian was the emperor for 40 years!
    • Started an era of peace called the "Pax Romana"  (207 years long!)
  • Octavian was able to:
    • run the empire and gov in a civil way!
    • collect taxes 
    • administer grain supply
    • build roads
  • Octavian died of natural causes! This led to other emperors taking over (some good, bad, and insane)
  • In order:
    • Tiberius
      • Good general! Bad emperor! 
      • His son died and so he exiled himself from Rome 
      • Died at 77 
    • Caligula 
      • Ruled for only 4 years!! 
      • Such a power struggle! 
      • Insane tyrant and cruel!! 
      • Tried to re-establish the republic but it didn't work 
    • Claudius
      • Had cerebral palsy (shaking, limp, slobbering)
      • Such a good ruler!! 
      • Build roads and canals and conquest to Britain 
      • He was poisoned by his wife because she wanted their son, Nero, to come to rule 
    • Nero
      • Good intention but bad way of getting there
      • wanted to emphasize on arts and re-build Rome to be more majestic but stole money from the temples to do it
      • Historians don't like him


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