More on Population Pyramids

   Today in class, we all watched the TED-Ed video on Population Pyramids. We did our "Okay Stop" routine, where we say "okay stop" while the video is playing to ask a question, make a comment, define a new word, etc. Basically, Mr. Schick did the stopping and he talked about each important part of the video. One new thing we discussed was Demographic Transition and what it looks like on a Population Pyramid. Demographic Transition is when a country moves from a pre-industrial society to one with an industrial or post-industrial economy. We learned that an industrial economy is where a country can produce products and supply jobs because they have factories, workplaces, etc. A post-industrial economy follows the industrial stage of a country and a pre-industrial society is the stage before industrial. Population pyramids in these stages look different. A pre industrialized country has more of a triangular pyramid, meaning that the population is quickly growing. An industrialized country will have one where the greatest population is in the reproductive ages (at bottom/middle of the graph), meaning that the population is growing slowly. A post-industrialized country will have one where the greatest population is in the post-reproductive ages (at the top/middle of the graph), meaning that the population declines.


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