Quiz Day! (and Grids and Time Zones continued)

   Today in class, we took our map quiz on North America, Central America, and South American countries. We had to label each country from the word box below. Mr. Schick gave us a little time in the beginning of class to practice it online. I felt pretty confident on how I did because I studied and worked on the online version a lot. I checked Veracross and found out that I got an 100% on it, so I am satisfied.
   After the quiz, we continued our note-taking on Mr. Schick's Grids and Time Zones powerpoint. The first slide was a little review on the facts of lines of longitude. A couple of facts that were listed included:

  • they are known as meridians
  • they run in a north-south direction
  • they measure east of west of the Prime Meridian
  • are farthest apart at the Equator and meet at the poles
  • cross the equator at right angles
   We then learned about time zones. A time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard for legal, commercial, and social purposes. They tend to follow the boundaries of countries because it is convenient for ares in close commercial communication to keep the same time. Also, Earth is a sphere that is divided into 360 degrees longitude. Divide 360 by 24 time zones (one for each hour of the day). This equals 15 degrees. Each 50 degrees band of longitude is assigned to a standard time zone. For example, the picture below is what the time zones look like. It can get confusing though because sone nations like Greenland don't have different time zones, when other parts of the world do. Australia is different because there are three different time zones in that one nation This picture sparked discussion in our class because some people thought we should all use military time with no a.m. or p.m., and some people thought that there should be more/less time zones so that telling time wouldn't be as difficult. Personally, I think that we eventually got used to this kind of map, so we could get used to another kind if map if we wanted to. I just think it's unnecessary to have new time zones, etc..


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