Reviewing for Test Tomorrow

   Today in class, we went over the Population/Settlement powerpoint again, and its key points, in order to review for the test tomorrow. Mr. Schick told us that the first page of the test will be questions that we must look up on the CIA Factbook website. Then the next page will be matching questions of the important terms/definitions in our unit. One thing that Mr. Schick did in class that was super helpful, was telling us that a question on the test will ask for two pull forces and two push forces of different countries. This helped because now I will write my answers down in my notebook, and study them, to be ready to answer it during the test tomorrow. I liked how he put important notes on what we need to study on his blog page, so that tonight I can go back to it and remember what I should go over. Overall, I believe that I can get a good grade on the test because tonight, while I study, I will go through the powerpoint again to review.


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