The Debate! (continued) and Review for Test

   Today in class, we finished our debate on whether or not time zones should be abolished, because two people still had to present their argument. Then, we had an ending discussion on the topic. All people who had undecided opinions at the beginning of class ended up deciding on what side they're on. In the end, everyone in this group sided on maintaining time zones, and I agree with them. After this, Mr. Schick reminded us that we have a test tomorrow on maps. This includes all the topics we discussed in class such as Mercator maps, Peters maps, old maps, site, situation, latitude, longitude, meridians, parallels, time zones, and more. Unfortunately, we had a 10 question pop-quiz to review for the test. Those questions helped me know what to study, but I didn't like it because I believe I got a 5/10 on it :( However, for the test, I will be more prepared because I can study from my notes and the Powerpoint Mr. Schick put on his blog.


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