Preparing for Monday's Test (and JEOPARDY)

   Today in class, we were informed that there will be a test on Monday dealing with more of our population/settlement unit. In order to review some informant information, we watched the Ted-Ed Population-Pyramids video again, and this time, it was much easier to understand, now that we learned all the terms/concepts. It shows how much we learned in this short amount of time and this video was very useful in taking good notes. I will need to review my notes and study them for the test Monday. After this, we watched Jeopardy because Mr. Schick watched a champions episode, where one of the answers was "what is an industrial nation?". Instead of just watching that one part of the episode, we watched the whole episode and it was really fun. I have never really watched a full episode of Jeopardy, but I've played it in my middle school as a review for tests, so I already knew how it worked. Mr. Schick told us that there was an episode on tonight at 7:00, and even though I turned it on at around 7:20, just for fun, I saw them answering a question or two. Anyways, it was an interesting class today.


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