Reviewing our Tests and a Start to our New Unit

   Today in class, our tests were handed back to us. As I mentioned in my previous blog, I could've done better on it, but I did not do too bad. I got a 90%, and when our tests were handed back, I saw that I got four questions wrong. As I suspected, all four of these questions I got wrong were from the section with population pyramids with countries and statements with countries. I understand now where I went wrong and where I could have done better. I should've known my countries a little better, but that's okay. When we were done reviewing the correct answers to the test, we had an intro to our new unit! We will be discussing and learning about these five religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. We were informed that, since Thanksgiving break is next week, that we will have a test on the religions on Friday! However, we we over two of the slides in Mr. Schick's powerpoint that talked about Christianity and we all took notes. I do not have Human Geo tomorrow, so Thursday will be the last day I have the class before the test.


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