Demographic Transition

   Today in class, we got a packet on Demographic Transition. The information on the packet was pulled from a textbook. However, we don't use a textbook in this class. Mr. Schick told us the story explaining why we don't. He told us that 12 years ago when he was working here, he was looking for a textbook for his students to use. Eventually, he found one that he thought was really good! So, he started using that textbook, with its power points, online worksheets, etc. But, this didn't last long. He found, through the first year of using this book, that it was way too hard to understand because it actually had a reading level for juniors in college! Everyone hated using it because it was so difficult, so Mr. Schick stopped using it. He never found a good textbook, so that is why he is not going to use one. Anyways, we had to highlight the important parts in the Demographic Transition packet . Then, we got our tests back! I got a 88% on it. I knew I did not do very well, but that's okay! We went over the answers and I understand why I got some answers wrong.


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