Exams Back / Start of Guns, Germs, and Steel

   Today in class, we got to see our exam scantron. Mr. Schick called us up one by one to see our scores and I got a 92! I was satisfied because I thought that the exam was kinda difficult so I'm glad to know I got an A. While he was calling people up, he told us to look up "Guns, Germs, and Steel" and find information on it. I found out that this was a book written by Jared Diamond. When everyone saw their exam scores, he started the National Geographic movie "Guns, Germs, and Steel". We learned that Jared Diamond loved watching and studying birds so he went to Papa New Guinea, where there is a lot of nature and birds. He then become fond of the birds, the nature, the people of Papa New Guinea, etc. He grew more curious of the people there and then he was asked a question. The was called Yali's question. Europeans/westerners would come into Papa New Guinea so the people were very familiar with them. Unlike the Europeans, Jared did not believe in their racist views. Jared Diamond stumbled upon a man named Yali and Yali asked him, "Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?" When he says "cargo", he refers to material goods. He then searched for the answer to this question and many like this, such as: Why are we different from them and why do they have so much more? Questions like these made Jared look for answers. Therefore, the name "Guns, Germs, and Steel" are referring guns (firearms), germs (diseases), and steel (new industrial technology, etc.)  These things make countries different and shape them differently.


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