Review for Quiz Wednesday

   Today in class, we went over some of the terms we will need to know for the quiz on Mesopotamia this Wednesday. He told us that one part will be matching the term to definition and another part will be descriptions and we have to say what it is. This is all based on our notes from the reading we took last week. Some terms we went over include cultural diffusion, ziggurat, Hammurabi's Code, city-state, etc. I took a couple extra notes in my notebook while he was talking. This is what I wrote:

  • New Stone Age (Neolithic Era) = advanced tools
  • Old Stone Age = Paleolithic Era
  • Political unit = city-state
  • Epic of Gilgamesh = story of great flood (like Noah's Arc)
  • Silt = Soil left behind when flood water is received
  • 282 laws in Hammurabi's Code. Laws were posted on stone plaques all around the city-state
  • A recent military attack occurred at the Tigris river


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