Continuing Episode One of Crucible of Civilization

   Today in class, Mr. Schick was not here, so we had a sub. We set up Sierra's computer to the projector and finished episode 1 of the Greece video as a class. We all took notes on it. Here are a couple of notes that I wrote down:

  • Athens first artistic legacy- Vase (what was inside worth a lot) 
  • artisans/potters- lowest class in Athens
  • 527 BC- Hippias took over
  • 514 BC- Hippias' brother murders- caused his behavior to become terrible, mad (insane)
  • Cleisthenes assembled conspiracy against Hippies and in 510 BC he is very powerful
  • Olympia- every 4 years men would come to compete in sports (Olympics)
  • 776 BC- Olympic Games were founded
  • chariot racing, running, boxing, etc. at Olympics
  • 40,000 Greeks would gather (women were prohibited from entering)
  • Isagoras seizes control with help of Spartans (betrayal)
  • people revolt against Isagoras (Revolution)
  • Isagoras and men blockaded themselves on highest point in Athens, but couldn't escape the people for 2 days - eventually have to surrender (508 BC)
  • Athenians turn to Cleisthenes to create political solution that would make everyone happy (Democracy!)
  • Acropolis- people could dress their views/thoughts amongst other citizens.
  • Instituted rule of PEOPLE - democracy - voting with white and black stones
  • Heroic culture turned to view that anyone can be hero in government
  • Persian Empire was greatest power (threat to Athens)
  • 30,000 Greeks assembled- soon had to face greatest test- war with Persians


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