Textbook Pages 138-139 and Greece is the Word Powerpoint

   Today in class, we started out with taking notes on textbook pages 138-139. It talked about major philosophers from Ancient Greece. Then, Mr. Schick pulled up the Greece is the Word powerpoint. We went over slides 43-46, which talked about these philosophers: Socrates and Plato. Here were some notes I took:

  • Socrates:

    • looked to science and logic (not the mythological gods) for explanations of how the world worked
    • the Socratic Method fostered critical thinking
    • “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
    • Socrates was charged with serious crimes: impiety, and corrupting the youth of Athens
    • at his trial, he described himself as a stinging gadfly, and Athens as a lazy old horse
    • did not deny what he had done; asked for free dinners
    • found guilty by an Athenian jury, and sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock
  • Plato:

    • a student and follower of Socrates
    • he wrote out Socrates’ teachings, and described his trial in Apology
    • Republic was Socrates’ discussion of justice and the ideal state - one of most influential books on philosophy and includes the Allegory of the Cave


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