
Letter to my Future Self (LAST BLOG!!)

Dear Future Self, This is a letter from you as a high school freshman. Wow, this past year has been crazy. In case you forgot, here is a little recap of what happened these past few months: Around about the middle of the third quarter, there was a virus that started to spread around the whole world. This virus is called Coronavirus or COVID-19. At first, none of us really took it seriously and we compared it to a minor flu. Eventually, we saw that that was not the case. Right now, it is the last week of school. Not school, but online school; and this virus has already affected and killed hundreds of thousands of people. Yeah so these past few months were not the best. To be honest, 2020, as a year, has been terrible- so much has happened. Anyways, back to the beginning of Coronavirus a few months ago: It was in March that John Carroll told us we were not to go to school anymore, for our safety. We all were quarantined these past couple of months and have been staying at home to social

Slides 43-52 Notes (Chi Cago's Rome Powerpoint)

SECOND TRIUMVIRATE is created!!! --> bc Octavian (Caesar's adopted son) takes over after Caesar's death Mark Anthony is the general Lepidus is the politician  Lepidus is forced to retire so things go BAD They all become rivals and Mark Anthony teams up with Cleopatra of Egypt  Octavian defeats Mark and Cleopatra at Battle of Actium Octavian is nicknamed "Augustus" and "Imperator" (supreme military commander) Rome is now an empire, not a republic Octavian was the emperor for 40 years! Started an era of peace called the " Pax Romana "  (207 years long!) Octavian was able to: run the empire and gov in a civil way! collect taxes  administer grain supply build roads Octavian died of natural causes! This led to other emperors taking over (some good, bad, and insane) In order: Tiberius Good general! Bad emperor!  His son died and so he exiled himself from Rome  Died at 77  Caligula  Ruled for only 4 years!!  Such a p

Test Verification and Notes

   I will be taking the Ancient Rome test at 1:25-2:15 on June 2. Notes on slides 32-42: To keep the plebs happy, Rome hoped for two things: bread and circuses Bread = free grain from the state Circus = entertainment to keep the plebs distracted and quiet (Circus Maximus, Colosseum)  Tiberius Gracchus knew it was important to have the plebs on his side (even though he didn't). To do this, every land the military conquered, they gave a piece to the plebs. Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE) was the best!!! He conquered the huge territory of Gaul. He also made people happy and made friends of high status like Pompey and Crassus First Triumvirate (“rule of three men”) ^^^ JC conquered Gaul and crossed the Rubicon (River in Italy) = "the point of no return" JC served consul (1 yr), was governor of Gaul Pompey = his rival because was jealous Pompey and JC's armies clash (Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt) Caesar always won 44BC - JC is named dictator (6 months

Choice of Essay Topic

   For my essay, I will write about question C:  Describe how the creation of the Roman Empire transformed Roman government, society, economy and culture.

The Roman Empire Textbook Notes

By 100 B.C., enslaved persons formed perhaps one-third of Rome's population. A new social class that emerged, called "urban poor" made up one-fourth of Roman society. Two brothers, Tiberius and Gaius attempted to help Rome's poor. They proposed reforms including limiting the size of estates and giving land to the poor. Tiberius spoke about the plight of the landless former soldiers. Tiberius died in 133 B.C. and Gaius died in 121 B.C. Civil war broke out in Rome and military generals started seizing more power for themselves. In 60 B.C., Julius Caesar, a military leader, joined forces with Crassus and Pompey. Caesar was elected for consul in 59 B.C. The next ten years, they ruled as a triumvirate. A triumvirate is a group of three rulers. During 58-50 B.C., Caesar led a successful campaign to conquer all of Gaul. In 50 B.C., the senate ordered Caesar to disband his legions due to Pompey's concerns/urgings about Caesar as a leader. On January 10, 49 B.C

Punic Wars

   The Punic Wars consisted of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage, between 264 and 146 B.C. These wars were fought because Rome wanted to expand its land into Carthaginian territory and because of the hatred that grew between them. In fact, when Carthaginian general, Hannibal, was a young boy, his father made him swear that he would always hate Rome and seek to destroy it. That is why, when he stepped into play around the time of the Second Punic War, the tension between Rome and Carthage grew even stronger and is why the wars became more intense. The first Punic War was fought on the island of Sicily in 264-241 B.C., for control of Sicily and the western Mediterranean. The navies of the two forces battled, and it led to a victory for the Romans. The Second Punic War was fought between 218-201 B.C. This is when general Hannibal stepped in, and his plan for conquering Rome almost worked, but the Romans ended up victorious once again. Hannibal took a risky move by leading his me

Rome Powerpoint Slides 9-22

   Starting on slide 9, Chi Cago's Study Guide powerpoint describred how  Lucius Tarquinias Superbus  got into power. It also talked about how he was a tyrant, and the qualities that made him so. It all started when  Servius Tullias, king appointed to power by Tarquin's grandfather's wife (widow at the time). Servius' daughters were to marry a pair of brothers, which included Tarquin. One of the daughters, Tullia, killed her huband and her sister to be with him! She was the one who convinced Taquin to take control and overthrow her father, S.T. ( Servius Tullias). Once he came into power, he threw S.T. out on the streets and had him assassinated. He even ran over S.T.'s body with his chariot and refused to even bury his body! As we can see, Lucius Tarquinias Superbus was not only violent and brutal, but he was disrespectful. He is the kind of angry and forceful man we picture when we think about a tyrant. These terrible traits got passed down to his son, Sextus. He